couponing in the holy land

Frugal food shopping for the Anglo Israeli

What you need to know about coupons in Israel

  1. They are harder to come by.  The most common places to find them are in the newspaper (especially Yisrael HaYom), Facebook, and through club member mailings.  And this blog, of course- go to the “coupon sources” page for links.
  2. Most coupons are good for a few months but some can be shorter.
  3. Rules for coupons vary widely.  Most allow one coupon per purchase and one item per coupon.  Many list the stores that they are valid in.  Some allow for online shopping.  Some don’t require you to print the coupons.  Make sure to read the rules carefully before shopping.

2 thoughts on “What you need to know about coupons in Israel

  1. Samantha Miretzky on said:

    Where in Yisrael Hayom can you find these coupons?

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